Trick or treaters are coming! What are we giving out? 10.31.2022 On this day before all hallows day, a day where we seek to be open to the spiritual all around us, may we not only pass out candy or trinkets but may we also let go of anything distracting us from the Holy.

IN CHRIST 🕯💖🕯6/19/2022

Please join me in Home Communion:


🌟 OPEN TO THE GLORY OF GOD 🌟 Prayer thoughts/starters: 2/21/22-2/27/22 2/21: To practice forgiveness;2/22: To contemplate the goodness of God;2/23: For those who need hope;2/24: For police officers;2/25: To rejoice in God-With-Us;2/26: To enjoy being kind;2/27: To be open to God’s Glory.

🕯🙏 A HOLY TOUCH; 🙏🕯Home Communion🕯2/6/2022 🕯Lectionary: Isaiah 6:1-11; Luke 5:1-11; Paalm 118; I Corinthians 15:1-11

Giving thanks with my whole heart for the transforming power of The Holy made available to each of us! I invite and welcome all to share in this Home Communion with me:

🌟🌟 WHAT IF? 🌟🌟🌺 1/23/2022 🕯 Home 🕯 Communion 🌺

It is so easy for me to get caught up in what isn’t going right, my fears of not having enough, my doubts about potential. Then I read a scripture like Psalm 19 and I am reminded that life is about so much more than the little I don’t have. I am reminded that theContinue reading “🌟🌟 WHAT IF? 🌟🌟🌺 1/23/2022 🕯 Home 🕯 Communion 🌺”

PARTICIPATING IN 🌟BLESSING LIFE🌟🕯01/16/2022 🕯Home Communion🕯

May the Holy Blessings Fill Your Cup!

BLESSINGS ON YOUR JOURNEY INTO 2022 🕯🌟🕯 SHALOM01/02/2022 Home Communion

🌟🎄🕯WE MAGNIFY OUR BELIEFS🕯🎄🌟🎄12/22/21 🌟 Wednesday🎄

Giving glory and paying attention to what we magnify in our lives: